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Bomnis Games

Video games with stories that touch the heart

About Bomnis

How far would you go to keep the person you love the most from forgetting you?

We are passionate about creating stories that touch the player’s heart, that make them reflect, feel, and with gameplay that presents an enjoyable challenge. All of this can be appreciated in our main title, “My Granny Lala and Me,” where we will experience the story of Shine, a granddaughter who creates fantasy worlds connected to the real world of her grandmother with Alzheimer’s, Lala, in order to prevent her from being forgotten during the year 2020 (inspired by true events).

✯ Award for Best Narrative – Indie Summit

✯ Presented at the Microsoft Store in New York during “Women Games Week”

Watch the trailer just below

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Want to know more about the project?

A project inspired by real characters, blended with dreamlike and fantastical worlds. We will experience adventures in Shine’s world, through which we will send color to Lala’s world, uncover mysteries, and prevent Lala from forgetting us. A story of love and adventures that won the award for Best Narrative at the international Indie Summit festival and was presented at the Microsoft Store in New York.

I present to you the



Lala the grandmother

She is a fighter and a strong woman who has experienced war, the death of her husband, and even had to leave her daughters in an orphanage. But despite it all, she has always kept a smile on her face. An authentic character inspired by the original Lala, her determination will make us confront reality with a different perspective.

Retrato Shine2

Shine the granddaughter

She is cheerful, imaginative, fun, and energetic. We will travel with her through her colorful universe, unraveling mysteries and experiencing adventures that will give us the key to unravel Lala’s memories. Beneath her tender appearance lies a warrior who will not give up no matter what happens.

retrato corni

Corni friend & inventory

“It” is Shine’s inseparable friend, a stuffed animal. In Shine’s worlds, Corni comes to life and becomes a witty and amusing companion who always has something to say. “It” is the voice of reason with detective skills that will help us uncover what is amiss in the magical worlds.

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If you want to know more about the project or want to be part of it, do not hesitate to contact us.