Videogames - Audiovisuals - Dubbing

Hello! I'm
Beatriz Olcina producer of
Video games Audiovisuals New technologies

Unleash your projects and imagination, tell me what you desire, and we will explore ways to make it a reality.

About my work

Define the direction, with a clear goal, and execute it realistically.

Production, project management, and team leadership. I have successfully executed numerous projects within the audiovisual, video game, and new technology industries. I am well-versed in processes and requirements. I am known for optimizing resources, setting and achieving milestones and deadlines using various methodologies, and preventing issues from escalating.

As the saying goes, “we go to war with the soldiers we have,” the key is to engage in battle successfully with what we have at hand.

See my reel just below

Coffee cups
Official selections

we create magic from a solid structure

Production Dubbing Narrative Film Direction

I provide solutions to enhance and optimize resources in both new and ongoing productions. Let’s address issues or establish a strong foundation to prevent them.




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A few brushstrokes about me

Creating with a touch of magic

Dreaming has allowed me to set high goals and pursue projects with passion to achieve them. I started my brand after completing my studies in audiovisuals, crafting several award-winning projects that led to my recognition as a young talent in cinema, earning a scholarship from Antonio Banderas.

Progressing into the realm of video games and new technologies, I ventured through various companies and studios before being chosen by Lanzadera to establish my own video game company. Following the successful creation of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and attracting investors and publishers, I embraced the opportunity to engage in large-scale projects with budgets ranging from 1M to 3M, embarking on a new adventure.

I’m drawn to working on projects with social impact, rich narratives, or that genuinely evoke emotions in users. Persistence, dedication, and unwavering enthusiasm have been the driving forces shaping my path.

a little sample of my work

A bit of history

A short walk through some relevant moments

The news are extracted from journalistic articles, I have decided to maintain the original language to avoid any variation of it. El cortometraje del director Juan Parra,…

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The news are extracted from journalistic articles, I have decided to maintain the original language to avoid any variation of it. El concejal de Juventud del Ayuntamiento…

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Don't put it off until tomorrow

Let's stay in touch
No forms required

If you have a project in mind, are looking to expand your team or just want to see how we could fit in, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Don't put it off until tomorrow

Let's stay in touch

No forms required

If you have a project in mind, are looking to expand your team or just want to see how we could fit in, don’t hesitate to contact me.